Long-Run Success In The Accounting Profession: A Study Of Student Perceptions

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Linda Carrington
Jeff Harwell
Philip Morris


Accounting education, accounting student project, accounting profession, accounting student perceptions


Accounting students are generally well aware of the skills, education, and accomplishments needed to get that first job and initially enter the accounting profession. However, it is equally important that accounting students approaching graduation have a good understanding of the skills, education and accomplishments required for an experienced accountant (an accountant who is three, five, or even ten years into their career). Armed with this information, students will be better equipped to make the best decisions as they complete their undergraduate degree and begin their careers. This would include decisions about graduate studies, pursuing certifications, accepting a job in a particular industry or one which provides specific experiences or training. Unfortunately, many students do not have accurate or complete information regarding the requirements for continued, long-run success in the profession. This paper reports the results of a project which (1) measured accounting students perceptions of the education, training, knowledge and experience required for experienced accountants, (2) implemented a class project exposing students to employers requirements for experienced accountants, and (3) measured student perceptions after the project was completed.


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