Accounting Program Assessment: Exit Interviews of Graduating Seniors

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Barbara R. Stewart
Charles L. Martin Jr.
Lamont F. Steedle


Exit Interviews, Assessment, Graduating Accounting Seniors, Continuous Improvement


Exit interviews of university graduating seniors have been used to a very limited extent when evaluating academic programs. It is our belief that developing and implementing an exit interview plan stimulates faculty dialog and improves ongoing feedback for department program assessment. From 2001 to 2007, the Accounting Department at Towson University has conducted exit interviews with all graduating seniors as part of the annual internal department assessment activities. The exit interviews have served to assist the Department of Accounting in evaluating its performance as judged by the students served. The positive comments assist to reinforce the quality activities of the department, while the negative comments permit the department to become aware of areas of perceived weakness that are in need of improvement. By receiving annual feedback from a valuable, relevant source, the department is able to continuously monitor, adjust, and improve its performance.

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