Enterprise Risk Management In The Oil And Gas Industry: An Analysis Of Selected Fortune 500 Oil And Gas Companies Reaction In 2009 And 2010

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Violet C. Rogers
Jack R. Ethridge


Accounting, Risk, Oil and Gas Accounting, Chief Risk Officer, Enterprise Risk Management


In 2009, four of the top ten Fortune 500 companies were classified within the oil and gas industry. Organizations of this size typically have an advanced Enterprise Risk Management system in place to mitigate risk and to achieve their corporations objectives. The companies and the article utilize the Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) as a guide to organize their risk management and reporting. The authors used the framework to analyze reporting years 2009 and 2010 for Fortune 500 oil and gas companies. After gathering and examining information from 2009 and 2010 annual reports, 10-K filings, and proxy statements, the article examines how the selected companies are implementing requirements identified in the previously mentioned publications.

Each section examines the companies Enterprise Risk Management system, risk appetite, and any other notable information regarding risk management. One observation was the existence or non-existence of a Chief Risk Officer or other Senior Level Manager in charge of risk management. Other observations included identified risks, such as changes in economic, regulatory, and political environments in the different countries where the corporations do business. Still others identify risks, such as increases in certain costs that exceed natural inflation, volatility and instability of market conditions. Fortune 500 oil and gas companies included in this analysis are ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Baker Hughes, Valero Energy, and Frontier Oil Corporation.

An analysis revealed a sophisticated understanding and reporting of many types of risks, including those associated with increasing production capacity. Specific risks identified by companies included start-up timing, operational outages, weather events, regulatory changes, geo-political and cyber security risks, among others. Mitigation efforts included portfolio management and financial strength. There is evidence that companies in later reports (2013) are more comprehensive in their risk management and reports as evidenced by their 10-K and Proxy Statements (Marathon Oil Corporation, 2013).


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