Online Finance And Economics Courses: A Comparative Study Of Course Satisfaction And Outcomes Across Learning Models
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Online Learning, Active Learning, Student Satisfaction, Learning Outcomes, Finance and Economics Courses
Student learning outcomes and course satisfaction scores are two key considerations when assessing the success of any degree program. This empirical study was based upon more than 3,000 end-of-semester course evaluations collected from 171 courses in the 2010-2011 academic year. The study, conducted at a Midwestern business college, considered the model of learning when examining course satisfaction scores of finance and economics courses. The finance and economics courses at the college all use active learning constructs, even in the online and blended course models. Online, blended and face-to-face courses were studied to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between course satisfaction and any of the models of learning. Surprisingly, online and blended courses had a stronger relationship with high course satisfaction than did face-to-face courses. The average grade point average of each course was also correlated with the three learning models, seeking a relationship between learning outcomes and online, blended and face-to-face courses. There was no significant relationship found among student learning outcomes, as demonstrated by grade point average, and model of learning, indicating that students were able to achieve the same outcomes despite model of learning chosen.