Characteristics Shaping College Student Organizational Citizenship Behavior
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Organizational Citizenship Behavior and College Students Majors, Gender, Religiosity, Level
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to undergraduate college students. The extensive research on OCB within traditional work environments indicates that while workers who demonstrate OCB usually receive more favorable performance evaluations, those behaviors also help build community and culture within the organization. This study expands the extant research by examining OCB of college students, where very few studies exist. For this research 490 undergraduate students completed an online survey, where we looked to identify correlations between OCB and four variables: gender, year in school, religious practice, and major. The statistically significant correlation between three of these variables and OCB will help faculty and student life staff identify and encourage OCB in their students. It will also help students be more successful in school, help prepare them for careers, while also enriching the college community.