New Times, New Ways Of Teaching And Learning: Perception Of The EHEA And Pedagogical Discussion

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José Luis González Geraldo
Isabel María Ferrándiz Vindel
Ana María Bordallo Jaén


Bologna Process, EHEA, Teaching methodologies, Educative innovation


It is 2010, the established deadline of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna Process is an unstoppable reality. But we can not admit that this change, simply by being a significant change, must be for good. We can not also disregard the potential positive pedagogical reform the Bologna Process offers to us. Then, what is the reality of the Bologna Process in Spain? What is the perception of students and teachers? Are there differences in their responses regarding the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)? What are the pedagogical implications of these answers? This paper provides empirical evidences to these questions through the use of two questionnaires prepared ad hoc according to the pedagogical principles derived from the so-called Bologna Declaration.


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