Problems Affecting Gifted Children In Jordanian Schools

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Ibrahim Al Shihab


Gifted Children, Gifted Students


It is clear that there is a need for more attention to the social and emotional needs of the gifted students, as well as for increased attention to the affective needs of special populations of gifted students, such as underachievers, who are at risk for failure to achieve their potential. There is also a need for more empirical studies on the needs of these students, both in terms of preventative strategies such as affective curricula, and with regard to more intensive interventions such as individual, group, or family therapy. Good counseling models have been developed, but they need to be rigorously evaluated to determine the conditions under which they are most effective. In fact, researchers in the field of gifted education need to collaborate with researchers from affective fields such as personal and social psychology, counseling psychology, family therapy, and psychiatry, working together so the society can learn how to intervene most effectively with gifted individuals who have mental health problems and how to help all gifted persons achieve optimal social, emotional, and personal development.


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