Participant Perspectives Of An Evidence-Based Pregnancy/STI Prevention Curriculum: The Importance Of Atmosphere, Active Learning, And Accurate Advice

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Brooke Flinders



Healthy People 2020 addresses national priorities related to adolescent health with goals that relate to reducing unintended pregnancy, increasing the use of reproductive health services, increasing the practice of abstinence, and increasing sexual health education among the population (USDHHS, 2011).

In response to these national priorities, the Office of Adolescent Health awarded seventy-five highly competitive grants to support the replication of evidence-based programming (USDHHS, 2012).

One such program - FOCUS (PASHA, 2005) - is being delivered in southwestern Ohio through a unique partnership between the Hamilton YWCA and Miami University’s Department of Nursing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate participant feedback, from a pilot period of three months, in order to identify response themes. In summary, the wrap-up surveys taught us that participants valued the up-to-date content (specifically related to sexually transmitted infections) and that an “open” and “laid back” learning environment, utilizing active learning strategies, was most effective.


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