Improving Engagement In A Lecture Course By Increasing Relevance To Student Needs And Interests

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William W. Arnold


Lecture Course Format, College Student Engagement, College To Career, Student-Centered College Instruction, Student-Oriented Lecture Course


A modification in emphasis in an upper business course from a professor-centered approach to a student-centered focus demonstrated the use of possibilities to enrich a lecture course format to increase student engagement while also facilitating student readiness to enter the workforce. A proliferation of college teaching formats has emerged, including online learning, video teaching alternatives, and interactive learning outside the classroom. These rival formats offer new ways to engage students and ease them into future positions in organizations, yet the lecture format continues to be a choice preferred by many educational institutions. The transition to a course aligned with student needs and interests entailed numerous modifications in classroom conduct, curriculum, and student learning experiences. Certain changes appeared obvious along with other adjustments that, although profound, were subtle. This study identified factors associated with this transition along with their effects on students. Findings were based on input and evaluations by students. Three main factors were prominent in implementing the modifications: (a) augmenting the positioning of the professor as the unilateral classroom authority by adding the role of professor as agent of service to the students; (b) enriching content and assignments that immersed students in the course subjects, but often focused on the workplace environment; and (c) collecting initial input about student learning goals and requiring student feedback from each class meeting. Pre-post surveys completed by students assessed changes in their confidence on factors they associated with effectiveness in their careers.


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