Five Effective Ways To Support At-Risk And Wounded Students In Thriving At Alternative High Schools And Earning Their Diplomas!
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At-Risk Students, Wounded Students, Alternative High Schools, Wrap-Around Support Services, High School Diplomas
Effective alternative high schools service the whole child - academically, socially, emotionally, and developmentally. It is critical to address the needs of the child through wrap-around support services that include Building Positive Relationships, Providing Supportive Safety Nets at School, Offering Counseling Services, Having a Food and Toiletry Pantry, Laundry Service and Bus Pass Bank and Focusing on Post-secondary Plans. A clear focus on these five wrap-around support areas will assist at-risk and wounded students to earn their high school diplomas - and level the students’ playing fields with an emphasis on building productive futures in college, military and/or career.