Women In The World Of Corporate Business: Looking At The Glass Ceiling

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Priscilla Berry
Tommy J. Franks


corporate women, salary parity, glass ceiling, sticky floor, leadership, women in power


From a review of some of the literature and a brief compiling of statistics on women in positions of leadership and power, and with a quick look at the life and work of some contemporary women who have thought about and lived the life of corporate leadership, it is clear that women have made small progress into positions of power and influence.  Research shows that this is true because they did not desire the positions of leadership, did not want to pay the price of the loneliness of leadership, or were derailed in some way by sex.  A review of the timeline for the advances for women also shows the disconnect between what happens in legislation or social opinion and what really happens to the plight of women in the halls of power. Research indicates the alternative for women seeking positions of power in the corporate structure is as follows: Some women…who are the best qualified for leadership…leave the corporate ranks and never return. Some decide to become entrepreneurs. Some decide on other upward mobility enterprises. This paucity of women in the Boardroom and at the helm of corporate power definitely accounts for the lack of soul, ethics, and the general quandary in corporate America. The dilemma that leaders are now facing is:  What happened here, as evidence by corporate scandals and the fall of Wall Street, where do we go, and what do we do now?


It is the focus of this paper to show that the greatest deterioration of the corporate structure is caused by the following: Not including and/or promoting women into the ranks of leadership…real policy making power…not providing a female friendly environment for women, not setting up legitimate and ongoing mentoring systems for women, not recognizing the different, but significant, voice of knowledge that women bring to the table.


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