Blogs As A Learning Space: Creating Text Of Talks

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Arnold Nicholas E. Santos


blogs, learning space, blogsites


This paper explored the pedagogical preparations taken by the researcher in integrating blogs to the traditional classroom experience as well as its use in online classes as a tool for students to write about what they have learned in class and relate it to everyday life. The researcher utilized web blog, combined Facebook and Multiply blogsites, in the online teaching. Utilization of blogsites to supplement the traditional method of teaching was a welcome innovation for most students. The study involved thirty-eight (38) enrolled students of the course English 111. The familiarity and convenience of facebook and multiply blogsites makes learning and complying to requirements an enjoyable task. Blogs as a learning space for English 111 was an effective teaching methodology appreciated by the students. However, the integration of blogs in the traditional teaching learning process requires preparation and planning on the part of the teacher so that applicable and timely activities could be given to the students.


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