The Impact Of The Current Economic Crisis On The Demand For Higher Education: An Analysis Of Spanish Distance Education Universities

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Maria Dolores Reina-Paz
Ainhoa Rodriguez-Oromendia
Claudia Sevilla-Sevilla


University, Demand, Economic Crisis, Spain


Spain is currently experiencing a difficult economic situation, and in recent years a significant change has been observed in the behavior of the demand for educational programs as a result of this situation. Recent studies reveal a change in student demand that does not have the same effect on all academic institutions. Bearing this behavior in mind, the present study focuses on providing an overview of the situation of the Spanish distance education university system over a six-year period, from the 2007/08 to the 2011/12 academic year, analyzing the different variables that influence the demand and new enrollment in official degree programs. We also conduct a comparative analysis of the patterns these variables follow depending on the methodology applied by the different universities examined in our study, making a distinction between classroom and distance education universities.


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