An Investigation Of Factors Impacting The Use Of Technology In A Home School Environment

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Ted Neil
Nancy Bonner
David Bonner


Technology, Home Schooling, Computers, Education, Usage, Perceptions


Home school populations have been studied for socialization and academic preparedness, but there are few studies on the use of technology among home schooled families. One researcher, in studying technology use among home school families in the greater Albany, New York area, found that the use of technology had a positive influence on the decision to home school and to allow home school families to create and maintain groups of like-minded home schoolers in their quest to educate their children.

The objectives of this study are to understand what technologies are being used by home school families and about perception of technology in four areas of technology usage: 1) to build social networks, 2) acquire and share knowledge, 3) administrative actions and 4) instructional activities. This research shows that when technology is perceived as easier to use, it will lead to perceived usefulness, at a higher significance than leading to actual use. Further, it was surprising that the models did not show perceived usefulness leading to actual use, which is indicated in the literature.


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