What Kind Of International Interchange Is Beneficial? Experiences Of Taiwanese Indigenes

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Shan-Hua Chen


International Activities, Indigenous Affair Specialists, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)


Because of globalization, international interchanges among indigenes in every country have become more frequent. Influenced by international multicultural trends, Taiwans government not only supports indigenous populations to revive their traditional cultures, but also encourages the promotion of the international interchange activities among indigenous populations. This research focused on specialists familiar with indigenous relative affairs to evaluate the benefits and the order of international interchanges. A self-developed questionnaire was used and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and descriptive statistics were employed to measure the relative importance of the factors and international strategies chosen by the indigene affair specialists, respectively. The correspondence analysis aims to explore the relationship between the goal and strategy of indigenous international interchanges. Finally, based on the findings and discussion, some suggestions are provided for promoting indigenes international interchanges.


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