China And The U. S. At The Crossroads: Rule Of Law Or Rule Of Force?

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Terry Young
Linnea McCord



Although China’s sudden reach for prosperity has created wealth for thousands of its citizens, it has also generated concern about China’s future social harmony and stability. At the heart of Chinese politics is the unchallenged dominance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which has governed China since 1949, but may be facing serious challenges in the years ahead. Likewise, US economic dominance that has existed for decades has hit serious economic headwinds. The recent financial crisis and its staggering public debt are posing a threat to US economic and political leadership in the world and the U.S. may be facing its own problems of maintaining security and harmony in a rapidly worsening economy. The question this paper will address is whether America’s Rule of Law or China’s Rule of Force will prevail in the long run?


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