Productivity and the Dollar/Euro Real Exchange Rate Over the 1985-2007 Period

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Ordean Olson


Exchange rate, productivity, euro, U.S. dollar, cointegration


This paper examines the evidence for a productivity- based model of the dollar/euro real exchange rate for the period 1985-2007. Cointegrating relationships between the real exchange rate and productivity, real price of oil and government spending are estimated using the Johansen and Stock-Watson procedures. The findings show that each percentage point in the U.S.-Euro area productivity differential results in a three and one-half percentage point real change in the dollar/euro valuation. This finding is robust to the estimation methodology, the variables included in the regression, and the sample period. I conjecture that productivity-based models cannot explain the observed patterns with the standard set of assumptions and describe cases in which the models can be reconciled with the observed data.


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