Empirical Analysis Of The Impact Of Comprehensive Income On Basic Earnings Per Share For Spanish Companies Listed On Madrid Stock Exchange

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Francisco Sousa Fernández
María Mercedes Carro Arana


Basic Earnings per Share (Comprehensive Income), Basic Earnings per Share (Net Income),


In this study we will empirically evaluate the overall impact, and by industries, of Basic Earnings per Share calculated according to Comprehensive Income against the same ratio determined in accordance with Net Income, for a sample of ninety-two Spanish groups listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange during 20042007, in agreement with the information contained in their Consolidated Financial Statements pursuant to IASB GAAP and industry classification adopted in this market.

In order to contrast the corresponding hypotheses, a set of non-parametric tools were used, as the data was far from normalcy. The results of our paper, which are ground-breaking at an international level, show a statistically significant impact of Basic Earnings per Share calculated according to Comprehensive Income against the same ratio determined pursuant to Net Income for the sample group in all of the years that were analyzed. On the other hand, when approaching the study by industries, we have observed quite uniform behavior between them in the sense that we found a remarkable impact on listed companies in all industries, which is why in general terms we are witnessing a phenomenon that affects the listed companies regardless of the nature of their business activities.

These evidences, apart from suggesting a new dimension in the fundamental analysis, of particular interest to analysts and investors, justifies the disclosure of Basic Earnings per Share determined according to Comprehensive Income, not only in the notes, but also in the main body of the Statement of Comprehensive Income.


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