Quantum Learning: Learn Without Learning

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Victor Selman
Ruth Corey Selman
Jerry Selman



Quantum Education is the “natural” way to learn---motivating and exciting people to take responsibility for their own education..  The Montessori Model represents the closest example of Quantum Education, where the environment is prepared with didactic materials for the children to absorb at their own pace.  Where children learn without formal pedagogical machinations, without consciously learning how to learn---by doing.  Like Quantum Logic or Quantum Physics or Quantum Games, quantum thinking is an insightful, body/mind approach, attempting to connect our classical world—where objects or things have definite identities—with our new quantum world—where things take on multiple realities simultaneously.  The concept of mind, limiting our perceptual abilities is no longer confined to the brain or even the body---all organs are, in some ways, thinking organs, permitting restructuring of our cognitive educational commitment toward infinite choice and possibility.  Quantum Education has been defined by the Canadian Quantum 2000 Group as the need for a “quantum” shift in what students are expected to learn in Alberta public schools starting Y2000.


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