Trust As A Precursor Or Outcome Of Relational Norm Development: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Of US And Hungarian Managers

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Susan Forquer Gupta
Katalin Eibel-Spanyi
Ernest R. Caddotte
Joesph B. Mosca


Relational Norms, Trust, Solidarity, Mutuality, Flexibility


This study proposes and tests a model delineating relational norms and their relationship with the construct Trust and compares the results across two culture groups. The norms of Solidarity, Flexibility, and Mutuality are proposed as precursors to the formation of Trust. SEM results confirm two opposing models for U.S. and Hungarian respondents. Relational Norms have a strong positive relationship with formation of Trust for the Hungarian respondents, acting as a precursor of Trust. Whereas, the relationship between trust and the relational norms is weak for the U.S. respondents, and indicates that Trust is a precursor to the formation of Relational Norms.


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