An Investigation Into A Peer Module Mentoring Programme In Economic And Management Sciences

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Ronel Du Preez
Leon P. Steenkamp
Roelof S. Baard


Mentoring Programme, Student Success, Student Support, Module Mentoring, Economic and Management Sciences


All South African universities face the challenges of student success and retention - a challenge compounded by under-prepared students from diverse backgrounds. This article explores peer module mentoring as a possible approach to facilitate student success in Economic and Management Sciences. An ex post facto quantitative research methodology, with a web-based questionnaire, was implemented. Perspectives of both mentors and mentees who participated in the faculty module mentoring programme during 2012 were investigated regarding their motivation for participation and evaluation of the programme.

The module mentoring programme was experienced as being beneficial by both the mentors and mentees. Altruistic, cognitive, social, personal growth and financial benefits were derived from the programme. The findings provide a strong argument in favour of the expanding and continuation of module mentoring programmes in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. The findings are not generalisable beyond the scope of the particular faculty and institution, but provide input and guidance for decision-making related to student support initiatives. The continuance of the module mentoring programme entails investments in terms of both money and time. This article considers the benefits derived from these investments in a faculty-wide module mentoring programme at a South African university.


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