The Effect Of Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction And Employee-Supervisor Relationship On Job Performance And Organizational Commitment

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Sunday Samson Babalola


Job Performance, Commitment, Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Laissez-Faire


Although organizational commitment and job performance are essential for the survival of an organization, yet scanty attention is paid to simultaneous investigation of these variables. This study set to investigate the influence of supervisor-employee relationship, perceived leadership style, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment and job performance. Two hundred and fifty-five employees of media employees are conveniently sampled with ages ranging from 20 to 57 years with a mean of 34.29 years. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was employed to test the working hypotheses.

Stepwise regression analysis reveals three steps in the prediction of organizational commitment and job performance respectively. With the third steps showing that job satisfaction (? = 0.53; p < .001); supervisor-subordinate relationship (? = 0.41; p < .001) and laissez-faire leadership styles (? = 0.38; p < .001) as predicting organizational commitment with 49.7% variance is explained; while with job performance, 34.8% of variance explained the variables of working experience (? = -0.54; p < .001); education (? = 0.31; p < .01) and transformational leadership styles (? = -0.22; p < .05). This finding has implications for employee retention, performance management and incentive strategy.


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