Electronic Cash In E-Commerce: Comparative Analysis Of Views Of Hispanic And African-American Business Owners

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James L. Morrison
G. Titi Oladunjoye
Young S. Kwak
Michael Czarkowski



Based on a survey of 1000 Hispanic and 1000 African-American business owners on the impacts e-commerce and e-cash are expected to have upon business practices, there were significant discrepancies between perceptions of these two groups regarding their ability to track and retain customers and to authenticate the source of e-cash payments. In addition, while both groups of owners agreed that e-cash will likely replace traditional currency used in commercial transactions between consumers and business, they both are uncertain as to what degree central banks of countries should regulate and how much freedom the private sector should have for developing new forms of e-cash. Hispanic business owners generally are more receptive to e-commerce viewing it as not making marketing strategies more difficult while African-American owners generally perceive enhanced issues to be resolved.


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