The Impact Of The Acceleration Of Information Technology On The Content Of The Accounting Courses: The Case Of GCC

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Musa Darayseh
Elaine Waples
Naser Khaledi


Information Technology, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), AIS (Accounting Information System), Accounting Curriculum, Acceleration


The objective of this study is to examine the status of the accounting curriculum in the Gulf States, from the perspective of accounting graduates of colleges and universities in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). We specifically examine the area of information technology in the accounting curriculum: the preparation provided to the graduate during the university experience as well as the use of information technology on the job. The results support the link between knowledge of information technology and success on the job. Although accounting graduates felt that it was important to study information technology as part of their university education, it appears that the information technology curriculum at GCC colleges and universities has not kept pace with technology advances in the market. Over time there have been improvements, but not enough to keep pace with the rapid changes found in the market. Universities in the Gulf, as well as elsewhere, need to revise their curriculum on a regular basis to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to meet market needs.

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