E-Government: The Implementation Of Effectiv eDigital Technologies To Improve The Delivery Of Government Services To Their Consumers (Citizens)

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Andrew B. Nyaboga
Muroki F. Mwaura


e-Government, digital technologies, government services


In this study, we examine the factors which may influence the implementation of effective government services over the internet (e-Government) at the federal, state and local levels. The authors argue that although the federal, state and local agencies have taken an initiative to integrate their services over the internet, the perpetuity of complex issues and limitations continue to slow down the process of effectively implementing e-Government. The paper broaches, by identifying, some of the factors that continue to influence the implementation of effective e-Government services. We further argue that the implementation of e-Government cannot be solved through simple technological solutions alone, but through a synergistic approach involving other factors, such as approaching the citizen with customer services orientation rigor, culture, training, attitudes and education inter alia. This paper is not the panacea but a soft approach that could be used by government agencies to integrate an online portal that focuses on its customers (citizens).


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