To Find Or Not To Find: Public Accounting Auditors Versus Governmental Auditors

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Leonard Branson
Jeffrey L. Decker
Megan Green


Audit, Auditors, Compliance, Findings, Governmental Auditing, Public Accounting


This study examines the impact that the type of auditor (OfficeOffice of the Auditor General (OAG auditor) or CPA firm auditor) has on the number of compliance audit findings reported for select state agencies in a major Midwestern state. In the state studied, The OAG is responsible for conducting compliance audits of government agencies on at least a biennial basis. These audits are either performed by the Auditor General’s state auditors or by Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firms under contract to the OAG. A sample of agencies with audits that were sometimes performed by CPA firms and sometimes by OAG auditors was chosen. A statistical analysis concluded the number of compliance audit findings reported by OAG auditors was significantly higher than the number of compliance audit findings reported by CPA firm auditors, for the same set of state agencies.


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