Causes Of The Decline Of Education In Pakistan And Its Remedies

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Safdar Rehman Ghazi
Riasat Ali
Muhammad Saeed Khan
Shaukat Hussain
Zakia Tanzeela Fatima


Education Pakistan, Education Dilemma, Education Decline, Education Problem, Education Deterioration, Education Downfall


Low literacy rate and poor quality of education are the major drawbacks of the educational system in Pakistan. Our education is influenced by a number of factors that cause this downfall. Some of them are more prominent, such as low enrollment and high dropout rate at the primary level, different standards of education, low budget allocation for education sector, political interference, low quality of curricula and textbooks, rapid growth in population, poverty and unemployment, poor quality of teachers and irrelevant induction of duties, and our substandard evaluation system. Although the government claims for some bold steps to overcome these problems, there is still room for improvement.


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