Developing A Customized Program Assessment Methodology For Assurance Of Learning: A Case Study

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Hope Baker
Dorothy Brawley
Jane Campbell
Ernest Capozzoli
Linda Malgeri
Gary Roberts



For most academic institutions, selecting and/or designing a Program Assessment methodology for Assurance of Learning is a challenging task. This paper describes the steps taken to establish goals, values and criteria driving this process for a College of Business. In this case analysis, we document the options we explored in finding the right vehicle for our particular situation. Our experience with a beta test and full rollout of our Program Assessment is detailed. After considerable research and a trial and error process, we have implemented a hybrid Program Assessment approach for our undergraduate students. This approach includes a business simulation product that has been customized and tailored for our institution along with locally developed major field exams. Our lessons learned from this experience include issues surrounding student resistance, faculty engagement, logistics, and the need to use multiple assessment vehicles.

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