Journal of Cybersecurity Research (JCR) 2019-07-22T15:54:39+00:00 Stephanie Clute Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Published since 2016</strong><br>ISSN 2471-2485 (online)<br>The Journal of Cybersecurity Research (JCR) publishes both theoretical and applied articles that significantly contribute to the understanding of cybersecurity threats for government, education, and business. </p> Network Malware Laboratory BasedOn Honeypots Technologies 2019-07-22T15:54:39+00:00 Georges Bell Bitjoka Antoine Elang <p>According to studies conducted by researchers across the globe, in recent years there has been an increase in organization and company attacks. Some attacks have been detected, but others, however, were able to bypass the security mechanisms, taking advantage of an unknown vulnerability in security systems. In this context, Honeypots systems aim to collect information on the intruder’s activities and learn about threats and attackers’ behavior. Honeypots systems are not designed to remedy failures or security errors on the network, but are responsible for providing adequate information on potential attackers before compromising real systems. In this paper, a honeypot system was designed to study the techniques used by attackers. We designed and implemented a malware analysis laboratory based on honeypots technology in a controlled environment to analyze various security incidents. The use of honeypots is based on the idea of simulating applications with vulnerabilities and recording all events produced by attackers, so the network administrator can learn about the different types of attacks to protect organizational systems that are being produced. The results have been very important in terms of the number and types of security incidents recorded by the honeypots. Also, an administration interface for controlling and analyzing the gathered information was designed. This system was not only implemented but also tested for several weeks and data was collected from the attacks was analyzed.  This led to some interesting statistics and characteristics about attackers and their goals. </p> 2018-12-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Policing Cyber Terrorism 2019-07-22T15:54:38+00:00 Phillip R. Neely, Jr. Michelle T. Allen <p class="APA"><span lang="X-NONE">In</span><em><span lang="X-NONE"> order to police a crime there must be an act that is considered a crime and punishable under the law. There also must exist the capability to investigate for potential suspects and obtain physical or circumstantial evidence of the crime to be used in criminal proceedings. The act of gaining unauthorized access to a network system is a criminal act under federal law. Several key factors are presented during the course of this discussion and then built upon. Two methods of attack planning are presented. The attack planning cycle for traditional terrorist and then cyber terrorists planning used to penetrate a network system. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) are defined and presented as an important critical target within the nation’s infrastructure. Examples of successful attacks are presented. A brief overview is used to present malicious software and the effects of its use against SCADA systems. The path for which data takes through a network is explained. The importance of the data path is vital in understanding the five methods of attribution which serve as methods of investigating cyber terrorism. </span></em></p> <p> </p> 2018-12-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The New Age Of Cybersecurity Privacy, Criminal Procedure And Cyber Corporate Ethics 2019-07-22T15:54:36+00:00 Paul J. Morrow <p>This paper reviews cybersecurity and the new criminal procedure standards of searches and seizures based on the perspectives of probable cause in the digital age involving cell phones. Also, this paper examines the civil corporate policy perspectives involving data breaches as the topic relates to the consumer using social media and provides guidance for executives to enact proper and responsible corporate policies navigating the new cybersecurity landscape in the post - Carpenter vs. U.S. era.</p> <p>Reading this paper is worth your time because: (1) you will learn the new cybercrimes legal standards involved with cyber-privacy and the criminal process which is necessary to develop director competencies; (2) you will gain knowledge which is the key to proposing ethical systems within the corporation required by law; (3) moving forward, we are at a critical point in America and good guidance is vitally important.</p> 2018-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)