Technology: The Problem Or The Solution To Childhood Obesity

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Susan Silverstone
Jim Teatum


Childhood Obesity, Exergaming, Obesity, Technology, Generation Z


One-third of the population of US children is considered obese and two-thirds of the adult population falls into the same category. These figures have tripled over the last 30 years. This demonstrates that the existing strategies to combat obesity do not work and it is time to look for alternatives. The recommendation is to turn the problem into a solution - give children an activity they WANT TO DO, NOT HAVE TO DO. Today’s younger generation is “hard wired to technology”, so take advantage of this fact. Several entrepreneurs have developed new technologies that combine physical activity, technology, and learning that “appeal” to this Generation Z and they are demonstrating promising results. In this paper, we have included details of the childhood obesity epidemic, the problem, costs and consequences, and have provided a new successful avenue to pursue. Results to date are positive and encouraging. We have identified a new strategy which, in a limited time, has been embraced by children, incorporates new technology, and has the potential for huge benefits for those who choose.


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