The Design And Implementation Of An Enlivened IFRS Course

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Mark Holtzblatt
Norbert Tschakert


IFRS, Pedagogy, Online Videos, E-Learning, E-IFRS, Core Competencies


In the Spring/2009 semester, with the financial support of a PricewaterhouseCoopers IFRS Ready Grant, a new course was developed that focused on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The course design goal was to choose the optimal combination of pedagogical tools and topics to create an effective, engaging and stimulating course plan. The course incorporates the online e-IFRS created by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), e-Learning IFRS Modules from the global accounting firm of Deloitte and IFRS Expert online videos and webcasts from corporate and various institutional and academic institutions. The pedagogical techniques described herein are also applicable to introductory accounting and finance classes, intermediate and advanced accounting classes and the international accounting and theory classes.


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