Blending Research And Teamwork To Enhance Undergraduate Education: Results From National Survey Of Student Engagement And Business ETS Major Field Test

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Chris Ward
Dan Yates
Joon Young Song


NSSE, ETS MFT, Undergraduate Research, Student Engagement


This study is a continuation of previous work by the authors. Most of the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) scales are positively related to higher Business ETS MFT (Major Field Test) scores. The NSSE scales are Active and Collaborative Learning, Enriching Educational Experiences and Integration of Diversity into Coursework. In particular, the NSSE scale of Integration of Diversity into Coursework appears to be significant. Students seem to earn higher scores on the ETS MFT when diversity is integrated into courses. Two of the scales, however, are negatively related to GPA: Level of Academic Challenge and Integration of Diversity into Coursework. The items we added to the survey included a leadership position held on campus and, a NSSE item, the number of courses that expect students to put together ideas or concepts from different courses when completing assignments or during class discussions, were both significant. The positive partial correlation indicated a .223 and .181 (at the 5% significance level), respectively, for these two items. Other items of interest will be discussed in the paper.


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