Measurement Of Students Attitude Towards Statistics: A Mokken Scales Analysis Of Its Dimensions

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Manuel Vargas-Vargas
José Mondéjar Jiménez
Ma Leticia Meseguer-Santamaría
José-María Montero-Lorenzo
Gema Fernández-Avilés


Learning Statistic, Latent factors, Non-Parametric Item Response Model, Mokken Scales Analysis


Nowadays, almost all curricula in the social sciences contain at least one course in statistics, given the importance of this discipline as a basic knowledge to understand the modern world. It’s necessary reflects on the student’s attitude to statistics, because it’s could be an obstacle or an advantage in their learning process. To measure the student’s attitude and incentives about statistics, we use a test (Bayot et al., 2005), related to other ones which exists in the specialized literature, that identifies the latent factors relating to students’ motivation and attitude towards statistics. This paper describes the formal and metric characteristics of the non-parametric model of item response theory for the latent factors using an extension of Mokken scales analysis.


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