Expanding Marketing Principles For The Sale Of Higher Education
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package, partnership, programming, positioning, people
This paper will develop and explain a conceptual framework for the use of business industry marketing techniques within the higher educational spectrum. This framework will demonstrate how sound marketing management can help higher education increase its effectiveness and improve student interest, as well as encourage the development of managerial skills that will lead to better operational efficiency. The material will be presented in a detailed, specific, and practical manner that can be utilized by educational administrators. There are many benefits in the utilization of the marketing concept for higher education. Marketing can lead to a better understanding of your customer (student), a more efficient use of money geared specifically towards your target market, a better understanding of where your college or university stands relative to your competitors. Marketing can also help create a more effective use of your human resources and an increased awareness of marketing trends. Marketing, specifically targeted towards the student using the nine p’s and taking into account the differences between marketing for higher education and marketing for products, may result in improved student interest towards the marketed university or college, which may result in higher enrollment