Exploring The Reliability, Validity, And Utility Of A Higher Education Faculty Review Process

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Kelly D. Bradley
James W. Bradley


Evaluation, Faculty, Reliability, Validity, Higher Education


Institutions of learning face significant calls for accountability, leading to an increased interest in measuring faculty performance. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the process of faculty evaluation in a college of education at a southeastern university. The process is outlined with attention given to the reliability, validity, and utility through documenting strengths and weaknesses. Included is a detailed review of the instruments utilized in the process. Suggestions for improvements and modifications are central to the outcomes, including plans for aligning the process with relevant research. The degree to which the faculty review process is deemed credible, professional, and relevant may serve as an indicator of the link between theory and practice. Potential ramifications of a weak or bias system, as faculty promotion and tenure are intertwined with this process, are of utmost importance. Legal issues, including challenges, rise to the forefront. This topic is of importance to students, faculty, and administrators, as all involved and impacted by the review process, either directly or indirectly. The applicability of this work beyond the example institution is also addressed.


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