Maximizing Educator Enhancement: Aligned Seminar And Online Professional Development

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Steven Shaha
Kelly Glassett
Aimee Copas
T. Lisa Huddleston


Professional Development, Professional Learning, Educational Benefits, Outcomes and Results, Student Advancement/Achievement


Professional development and learning has a long history in seminar-like models, as well as in the more educator-personal delivery approaches. The question is whether an intentionally coordinated, integrated combination of the two PDL approaches will have best impacts for educators as quantified in improved student performance. Contrasts between baseline and Post-Program performance levels showed 19% gains in Reading and 24% gains in Math, significantly beyond expectation. Analyses for Title 1 schools showed significant shrinkage of performance gaps with contrasted non-Title 1 schools. These gains outpaced those found for either PDL approach alone, indicating that educational leaders will be wise to undertake implementation of intentionally aligned and coordinated approaches combining PDL Seminars with online, on-demand PDL.


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