Service Learning Pitfalls: Problems You Didnt See Coming

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Emily Lane Morin


service learning, challenges, student teacher dynamic, non-profit organizations, communication


This study examines a semester-long service learning course. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that were responsible for the successes and failures of the projects. There is a profusion of literature that underscores the positive aspects of service learning. However, literature is scarce on why service learning may not always be the best option and how even the most thought out plans can go awry. The goal of this study is to use the unsuccessful aspects of the service learning course as a learning tool. By diagnosing the problems that occurred during the semester, the author seeks to contribute to solving them in the future, making the next service learning course a successful one. The information in this study will help make other instructors more aware of the issues that can arise while teaching a service learning course. This will enable instructors to plan accordingly and conduct a successful service learning course.


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