A Note On The Effect Of M&A Announcements On Stock Price Behavior And Financial Performance Changes: The Case Of Arab Malaysian Bank Berhad And Hong Leong Bank Berhad

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Carl B. McGowan, Jr.
Zunaidah Sulong


Mergers and acquisitions, Event study, Malaysian, Financial performance


This study examines the effect of M&A completion announcements on the stock price behavior for two anchor banks in Malaysia: Hong Leong Bank Berhad and Arab Malaysian Bank Berhad. The analysis uses the event study technique, the Naïve Model, a model that is based on Market Model with constrained ? = 0 and ? = 1 to compute the abnormal returns surrounding the M&A completion announcement date and to evaluate the effect of M&A completion announcement on the banks’ return. The results from event study show that the M&A completion announcements are treated as positive information by the market.


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