Sight: The Last Bastion Of The Brick And Morter Retailer To Survive?

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Corinne Nell
Jan Wiid


Store Atmospherics, Senses, Sight, Consumer Behaviour, Approach Behaviour, Avoidance Behaviour


The physical brick and mortar retail environment has been the bastion of survival for retailers over the years. With the developments in technology and the changing shopping patterns of consumers, apparel retailers are facing competition from alternative channels, such as the internet where consumers browse, compare and ultimately purchase products. Faced with this evolution, it has become critical for brick and mortar retailers to reconsider the principles and practices of in-store consumer engagement. They need to understand how their physical in-store environments can be used optimally in order to ensure sales optimisation, consumer satisfaction and sustainable profitability.This state of affairs has led to this study, which focuses on sight and its influence on consumers’ buying behaviour. The primary research question that was posed in this study was to explore the influence of sight on consumers’ buying behaviour in apparel retail stores. The type of research design used in this study was exploratory in nature, making use of a qualitative approach and a communicative technique of focus group interviews and naïve sketches. The data gathered was analysed by means of Tesch’s inductive descriptive coding technique, better known as thematic analysis. It was found that sight has the ability to influence consumers in either a subconscious or a conscious way. This has a direct influence on the amount of time that consumers will spend in-store and ultimately influence their buying decisions and behaviour, either positively or negatively.


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