Experiential Marketing On Brand Advocacy: A Mixed-Method Approach On Global Apple Product Users

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Ricardo Machado
Michael C. Cant
Helen Seaborne


Apple, Experimental Marketing, Consumer Experience, Brand Advocates


Traditionally, marketing was about delivering the right product to the consumer at the right place and set at the right price. In recent years, experiential marketing has increased in popularity among companies that aim at delivering holistic experiences to be enjoyed by their consumers. With the technology explosion and the level of development the past number of years, marketers have become more and more focussed on different ways and methods to reach consumers. The use of experiential marketing as a means of getting consumer buy-in and attention is gaining in momentum - with Apple leading the way.

This study made use of a mixed-method approach to determine the relationship between experiential marketing and brand advocacy through brand loyalty. Qualitative research was utilised to deduce themes for brand advocacy for Apple, which was incorporated into the quantitative research in the form of a web-based questionnaire completed by consumers of Apple products. Apple consumers found the experiential marketing efforts by Apple to have an influence on their feeling of loyalty toward the brand. As that feeling of loyalty increased, these consumers displayed a high tendency toward becoming brand advocates for Apple.


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