Oil Can Make A Difference: Collaborating With NGOs In Azerbaijan

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Roger Alan Ritvo


Azerbaijan, NGOs, Nonprofit organizations, Civil Societies


This study reports the findings from a 2006-2007 research project of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Azerbaijan. There is reason to believe that the changes in Azerbaijan's economy because of oil in the Caspian Sea will spur added growth of NGOs and be a catalyst for an expanded civil society, if only because of the international attention that such development brings. As an integral part of the development of a civil society, NGOs serve a special mediating role between the government and the population and they can be important forces for change. They can fill service and program gaps and meet local needs when government is unwilling or unable to do so. Using principles for the development of civil societies, the NGOs in Azerbaijan are slowly making progress. Current practices were documented through interviews conducted by the author, literature reviews, correspondence and record review. There are serious concerns that international businesses must be aware of when doing business in Azerbaijan and forming mutually beneficial partnerships with NGOs.


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