Experiential Learning And Management Education: Empirical Research And Implications For Practice In Higher Education In Slovenia

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Sandra Penger
Jana Znidarsic
Vlado Dimovski


experiential learning, higher management education, factor analysis, Slovenia


Nowadays lecturers in higher education need an awareness of the experiential learning style preferences of students in order to develop and utilize effective and efficient teaching and pedagogical strategies and methods. The experiential learning styles literature has had a revival during last years, especially in the first decade of 21st century (Alban & Metcalfe 2002; Duff & Duffy, 2002; Kayes, 2003; Loo, 2004; Reynolds & Vince, 2007; Cowen & Kazamias, 2009). Upon reviewing the literature on experiential learning, the intense rate and growing interest is involved also in Slovenia, especially when analyzing the case of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics (FELU; http://www.ef.uni-lj.si/en/) in Slovenia. In April 2010 FELU joined an elite group of institutions that have achieved business accreditation from AACSB International. Moreover, combined with EQUIS accreditation, FELU is ranked among 45 best business schools worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to offer a better insight into the experiential learning practices at FELU in order to develop appropriate teaching and pedagogical strategies for improving higher management education in Slovenia. The research objective of this study was to develop rather comprehensive inventory of experiential learning styles and methods, included both a descriptive and an exploratory perspective. In the theoretical part of the study the qualitative meta-analysis method was used to overview the literature background of the study. In the empirical part of the study the Principal Axis Factoring, using varimax rotation, was performed on the explanatory variables with primary goal of data reduction. The modified version of experiential learning style theory was used as research instrument in the questionnaire to determine Slovenian students’ experiential learning styles. According to the research process we can summarize research thesis that matching students’ experiential learning-style preferences with complementary course syllabus improve management education, academic achievements and student’s attitudes toward learning.


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