Leading Groups To Create Healthy Culture Through Accomplishing Tasks Aligned To Strategy

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Jeffrey R. Moore
Lee E. Kizer
B. Philip Jeon


culture, alignment, skills, evaluation, stress


This study examined the link between the consistency of self-evaluation versus peer-evaluation of managers skills and the level of relational stress in an organization and was based on two models: (a) the Competing Values Framework (CVF), which measures different management skills of individuals in an organization, and (b) the Healthy versus Toxic Organization Model, which focuses on the stress level in partnerships. The researchers hypothesized that the lower the stress in the organization, the more consistent the results will be between self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. In an empirical analysis, the researchers found that the relationship was most visible in the area of managers facilitator skills. With strong facilitator skills, managers can lead their organizations effectively and stay focused on maintaining strategic alignment. The study also examined how management skills could be most effective in developing a healthy work culture.


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