Rainbow Of Followers Attributes In A Leadership Process

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Evgenia V. Prilipko
Absael Antelo
Richard L. Henderson


Followership, followers, attributes of followers, effective attributes of followers, leadership


While the breeze of leadership is swaying the continent of North America with irresistible appeal, followership is left to rest in the shade. The subject has been given a very limited attention, thus, the paper attempts to address this deficiency and propose attributes of effective followers. Statistical survey design and correlation procedures are applied to assess selected variables and their relationship when examining the results of a multicultural survey conducted among leaders and followers of six countries. The results of the sample countries Russia and Belarus are being reviewed. Findings indicate that respondents tend to have an involuntary inclination towards group work and camaraderie, and are comfortable in the atmosphere of togetherness. Results also illustrate that respondents of the sample have a different understanding of notion of tolerance than respondents in the United States. The study discusses the need to understand how individual traits are assessed and developed, and how individuals can be formed, nurtured and prepared to become effective followers. The criticality of certain attributes characteristic to followers is examined along with practical suggestions of how some attributes can be brought to a more advanced level. The significance of having a leader inside every follower is emphasized. Uncomplicated, yet effective strategies on how to unleash and sustain followership capacity in individuals are described.


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