The Advantages Of An E-Mail Survey

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Stuart Shough
Don Yates



In the past, an effective survey encompassing an extensive list of interviewees has always been an extremely time-consuming and expensive undertaking. And yet, it is the primary method for obtaining reliable data from variable sources data on which sound decisions can be made. Using the telephone to do the survey may be impractical if the respondents reside over a large geographical area. This process is very time consuming and the cost, in many cases, is prohibitive. To conduct a survey by mail is also very costly with some survey costs exceeding $1.00 per questionnaire mailed. Also, the response time is slow and the response rate is low. Now, there is a new and innovative way to obtain the needed information. This new method is fast and the cost is negligible. This new method involves conducting a survey over the internet. This paper describes how a survey was transmitted to some 1,500 CPA firms throughout the United States with a 10% response.


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