Computer Education And Computer Related Professions Of The Future

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Glen D. Emerson
Mary E. Malliaris


computer usage, computer professions, computer literacy, information age, future computer jobs


The purpose of this paper is to examine current positions in literature with regards to computer education and future jobs related to computer usage.

The expansion of the use of computers has made “computer literacy” as essential as the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Morf related the rapid expansion in the use of computers as follows: “Among the more widely accepted scenarios of the future at work are those based on the assumption that technology will continue to grow exponentially” (1983, p. 24). Therefore, as technology grows, our educational programs must incorporate the new knowledge necessary to function in the world of the information age. As Hart stated: “We must prepare now to respond to the new technologies that will shape our future” (1983, p. 11).


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