An Examination Of Internships And Job Opportunities

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John T. Rigsby
Noel Addy
Clyde Herring
Donna Polledo


Internships, Job Opportunities


This paper reports the results of anempirical study examining the relationship between participation in anaccounting internship and increased job opportunities. Most prior studies haveexamined the benefits of internship programs while in school or the benefits ofinternships on professional learning, socialization, and personalcharacteristics in preparing students for entry into the profession. There hasbeen a paucity of empirical studies examining the relationship betweeninternships and job opportunities, which is a primary reason why students enterinternship programs, schools establish them, and employers hire interns. We surveyedprofessional employees below the manager level among three Big 4 firms and a largeregional CPA firm, and found that the effect of internship experience on jobopportunities depends upon the circumstances. The results indicate thatemploying firms highly value internship experience and that internshipexperience is useful for students in getting job opportunities whether or not theystay with the internship firm.


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