Exploring Technological Capabilities To Resuscitate The Zimbabwean Manufacturing Sector

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Patience Siwadi
Theuns Pelser


Performance, Technological Capabilities, Human Resources, ISO Certification, Patents, Return On Assets, Manufacturing Sector, Capacity Utilisation


There is widespread agreement that manufacturing concerns require a level of technological capabilities to be able to compete in a globalized economy. This study sought to examine the technological capabilities necessary for the resuscitation of the Zimbabwean manufacturing sector. The sector has been under a lot of pressure mainly from cheaper and sometimes better quality products hailing from international players. With antiquated machinery and having been closed in during and after sanctions, the sector understands the need for up scaling their TCs. The study used data from a non-probability judgemental sample of 77 companies across 6 subsector who had capacity utilization of up to 80%. Return on Assets (ROA) was used to measure performance and was the dependent variable. A total of 14 independent variables were regressed using a bivariate and multivariate regression analysis. Five distinct technological factors proved to positively influence company performance. The significance for industry is that the 5 variables clearly hover around increase in technological capabilities and the support of human resources and information systems to go with it and directs strategists to what they need to recover in the Zimbabwean economy.


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