Identifying Central And Peripheral Dimensions Of Store And Website Image: Applying The Elaboration Likelihood Model To Multichannel Retailing
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Multichannel Retailing, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Store Image, Website Image Price
Could the difficulties that retailers face in creating a seamless, cross-channel experience be due to the fact that their stores and website activate such different central and peripheral routes to persuasion that perfect transferability between channels is not possible?
By relying on a rigorous and innovative dual-step methodology, this study provides a solid support for research aimed at identifying other channel-related central and peripheral elements. Although perceptual structure of the two channels is very similar, the store and website have no central or peripheral dimension in common.
To enhance fluidity between its channels, a multi-channel retailer cannot rely on the customers' perceived integration of its channels. However, the retailer can easily orient its customers toward a given channel, by appealing to their enduring involvement. Finally, pricing and sales promotions are both peripheral dimensions: the former influences in-store buying and the latter, website buying.