How Knowledge Management Implementation Affects The Performance Of Egyptian Construction Companies

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Ahmed ElFar
Abdel Moneim Elsaid
Eahab Elsaid


Egypt, Knowledge Management, Construction Industry, Business Performance, Knowledge Infrastructure Capability, Knowledge Process Capability


This study examines the effectiveness of knowledge management systems within the construction industry in Egypt from the perspective of knowledge infrastructure capability (KIC), knowledge process capability (KPC) and their impact on business performance (BP) from the financial, consumer, learning and growth, supplier and internal perspectives. The sample consists of 75 first class Egyptian construction companies. The authors used a questionnaire that was modified from the questionnaire previously used by Gold, Malhotra and Segars (2001) and Smith (2006). The authors used one-way ANOVA, t-tests and OLS regressions. The results indicated that both knowledge infrastructure capability (KIC) and knowledge process capability (KPC) have a positive effect on business performance (BP). The results also indicate that organizations with well-developed training and development plans have significantly higher KIC and KPC scores compared to those that do not have such plans.


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